A man lost his life in a motor vehicle collision in the Bronx, near Woodlawn Cemetery. Another individual suffered serious injuries in the single-car crash. The accident took place early in the morning on a recent Sunday.
Events leading up to the car crash
The New York accident occurred at around 3:20 a.m. According to police, the man was speeding in a minivan and lost control of the vehicle. The motor vehicle then reportedly collided with a tree.
The driver was killed at the accident scene. Meanwhile, first responders rushed the 43-year-old woman passenger to the hospital, where her condition was deemed critical. Police continue to investigate the motor vehicle wreck. In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, they were working to learn the identify of the deceased driver.
How an attorney can help
The injured passenger may decide to file a personal injury claim, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages sustained in the New York car crash. Even though the man who apparently caused the accident passed away in the collision, his estate may still be sued. Any other individual with an ownership interest in the minivan he was driving at the time of the accident may also be named in the lawsuit. A successfully litigated claim might lead to a damage award to cover the woman’s medical expenses and the loss of wages if her injuries prevent her from returning to work for an extended period. No amount of money can undo the events leading up to the wreck, but it may help the injured passenger more easily move on from the motor vehicle accident.